I can not believe that I have not posted since my last break from school. Well over two months ago. And to think I was sooooooo going to easily do Blog365. This is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Life gets in the way. New things come up.
So there is a lot to update and as soon as I can I will be posting pictures to match. Where do I start. Here is a brief list of what has been going on in the Carlett household.
1- Layla got invisible fence. She hates it! We are supposed to go through these training sessions three to four times a day. She is also supposed to get one "correction" a day too so she learns what and how the fence works. We have tried everything, all the tricks they have said to use and she won't go near the flags. You would think this is a good thing. But now she mops around the yard like a prisoner. I am sure she will lighten up but it is a little depressing.
2- The yard is coming along slowly but surely. When we bough this house last October it had no and I mean no grass in the backyard. There were huge pine trees and bushes and the rest of the ground was covered in pachysandra(sp?) The trees were cut down in January. And we have spent the last three weeks ripping up the pachysandra. So now we have a huge backyard that is nothing but dirt. Not the best for a house with a curious puppy. So our house is covered in dirt also. And by the way do you know how long it takes for grass to grow in. A very long time! For most people doing patchwork it wouldn't be that bad but we have an entire backyard to do. Ahhhh, the joys of home ownership.
3- On a brighter note, a much brighter note. Matt and I are expecting a little Carlett in late October. We are super excited. We did not expect it to come this quickly, considering we were just married in November. We decided to stop preventing and not too long after...I will let you figure out the rest . And we will not be finding out if it is a boy or girl. We want a surprise, you know the old fashioned way.
We are on our way to the dog park now to let Layla have some fun before she is made a prisoner in her own house/yard. I will try to post some pictures later, of the yard and of Layla and maybe if you are lucky I can show some pictures of the wee little one floating around inside me belly.