If you would like to know the meaning of this, this is what you need to do:
1- Go to your TV
2- Turn it on
3- If you have a guide channel, stroll through
4- When you get to the movie section, you might just see what I am talking about
When deciding what to do tonight, Matt and I though that maybe we would rent a movie. Oh yeah, this was one of the choices. So was Hot Asian MILFs. Needless to say, we ended up watching Supernanny.
Friday, November 21, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Gosh darn it...I just realized I missed yesterday
So this blogging everyday thing is not going as wel as I would have liked. I have missed I think five or six days now. I missed yesterday's post because, well, I thought I had already done one. But luckily since I can count on one hand the number of people that read this blog I feel OK about it, because I know they won't hold it against me.
I was much more productive today than I have been the past couple days. Man I feel good when I get something done. Now, I just have to finish the couple things that I started and I will feel so much better. I will be able to go to my parents for Thanksgiving feeling that the house is clean and organized enough that I could have guests over. But I have been having guests over since it became disorganized so I must not feel too bad about the state that the house is in.
Can I just say that I can't believe how many things I can do with a baby in tow. I have become very good at typing with a baby laying on my shoulder. In fact right now, Izzy is laying on my chest sleeping as I type this blog. Often I have to type one handed and I am becoming faster and faster at that each time that I do it. I can fold laundry while holding the baby too. The clothes don't look as nice and I end up refolding them later. Of course making a bottle one handed is an absolute necessity. Can I just say, I love being a mom!
I was much more productive today than I have been the past couple days. Man I feel good when I get something done. Now, I just have to finish the couple things that I started and I will feel so much better. I will be able to go to my parents for Thanksgiving feeling that the house is clean and organized enough that I could have guests over. But I have been having guests over since it became disorganized so I must not feel too bad about the state that the house is in.
Can I just say that I can't believe how many things I can do with a baby in tow. I have become very good at typing with a baby laying on my shoulder. In fact right now, Izzy is laying on my chest sleeping as I type this blog. Often I have to type one handed and I am becoming faster and faster at that each time that I do it. I can fold laundry while holding the baby too. The clothes don't look as nice and I end up refolding them later. Of course making a bottle one handed is an absolute necessity. Can I just say, I love being a mom!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Yes...I will be one of those parents
When you become a parent, you have your camera ready at a moments notice to take all sorts of pictures. Sometimes you dress your child in what I am sure will be embarrassing pictures when they bring their first date home. But, I don't care, I love taking pictures of her because she is so darn cute. Here are a couple pictures that have been taken in the last week for one reason or another.(Captions courtesy of Miss Izzy)

I can now hold my own bottle

I can hold my head up. My daddy looks a little worried, but I know what I am doing.

My furry sister loves me A LOT. She always makes sure that I am doing well. I can't wait to pull her ears when I grow up.

This is my new snow suit. It is WAY too big for me now but my mommy couldn't resist but put me in it for a photo opt. Remind me to have her burn this picture when I am a teenager.

I can now hold my own bottle

I can hold my head up. My daddy looks a little worried, but I know what I am doing.

My furry sister loves me A LOT. She always makes sure that I am doing well. I can't wait to pull her ears when I grow up.

This is my new snow suit. It is WAY too big for me now but my mommy couldn't resist but put me in it for a photo opt. Remind me to have her burn this picture when I am a teenager.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Let sleeping dogs lie...
I love watching my dog sleep. I especially love watching her sleep when she is dreaming. I wonder what she is dreaming about? Her legs move, her eyes twitch, her lips flap, and she often makes weird noises. It must be something fun or scary, I'm not sure which. Here is a demonstration(minus the weird noises since I forgot to turn the TV down). What do you think she is dreaming about?
Who can resist such a cute sleeping dog? Not me!
Edit: this may possibly be the last video I post since I have been waiting over 30 minutes for it to finish loading(and it is only a thirty second clip)...hope I don't miss my post today for NaBloPoMo
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Would you believe this?
So last night I get a reminder call that I have an appointment to have my car serviced this morning. Since it was a 15,000 mile service appointment they set me up with a loaner car. I got there when they first opened since they said they would need it for a good part of the day. They told me that they were short staffed so I shouldn't expect it back till the very end of the day. I didn't really care since I had nothing else to do. Around two o'clock one of the service dudes called and said that they made a mistake and I actually did not need a 15,000 mile check but only a 7,500 one since I had just had the 15,000 one a couple months back. BONUS...they always try to up sell you and tell you that you need so much more than you do. I was like, cool, call me when it is done. So then they called at four o'clock and said my car was done but that they had actually only done an oil change since they didn't need to rotate my tires since they were in good shape. Weird, huh. I was given a loaner car for a full day to get my oil changed. But, whatever. So when I went to pick up my car, I only had to pay $39 bucks for what originally I was told was going to cost me $339. How often does that happen? When do you go in to have your car serviced and they actually do less than you thought they they were going to do? NEVER! What a bonus. I have an extra $300 that I thought I wouldn't have today. So despite the crappy weather we are having, I had a pretty darn good day.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Out of sorts
What the ^%$% I just seriously spent 20 minutes writing up a post and then hit some button and instead of having it all posted, it was deleted. How frustrating! Sometimes I love my computer and other times I don't. I would love to spend another 20 minuted re-writing the post but I have an adorable baby that needs me to stare at them. So until tomorrow, adios
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
6 pounds 13 ounces, 20 1/2 inches
Izzy is growing like a weed. She is gaining slightly more than an ounce a day. She has put on two pounds since birth and grown an incredible 2 and a half inches. I am so completely amazed. I knew she was getting bigger, but I am in awe at how big she is actually getting. When we brought her home, she barely fit in her preemie clothes and now she is finally into her newborn outfits. Woo hoo...it almost seems like she has a whole new wardrobe. And looking back at her old clothes, it is hard to believe that they used to be big on her. I love watching her grow and can't wait to continue to watch her get bigger and bigger. And you all will get to watch and see her grow with me.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Damn mommy brain
I thought that "pregnancy brain" was bad. Mommy brain is worse. I wake up every morning with a laundry list of things that I would like to get done. I always start one or two. Usually I don't finish them because I have been distracted and have forgotten that I started them. Like right now, I am just remembering that there is a load of laundry in the washing machine that I started this morning. I am hoping that I will remember to put that load in the dryer after I get done posting. Another thing I was supposed to remember to do today...get a note from my doctor for work(letting them know about the c-section). Did I remember? NO!!! I had a nice conversation with the doctor today. I even kept telling myself the whole way to the doctor's appointment to NOT forget to get the note. Now I have to call the office tomorrow and have them write me a note that I will have to go pick up. Oh yeah, did I remember to pull anything out to cook for dinner? Nope! Now I am starving and have nothing to eat but mixed nuts and pudding. Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE being a mommy, but I didn't know it would make me lose my mind.
I am thankful for ... wait what was that I was thinking I was thankful for... I forget
I am thankful for ... wait what was that I was thinking I was thankful for... I forget
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Oh man...I missed a day
And I almost missed today too. This blogging thing is a lot harder than I would have ever thought. My brain is a bunch of mish mosh right now. I can't even think about what to write. I guess I can just tell a funny story from today. Since we have a new little one at home, our dog Layla has felt quite abandoned. She is not getting her daily walks and not getting as much attention as she did previously. So she has decided to take her frustrations out on our precious landscaping. First it was the pumpkins( I know, not landscaping), then it was a small holly berry bush, next she did a fine job trimming the rhododendron bush, which now looks like a palm tree. And finally today she trimmed the rose of sharon bush that was near the garage. She didn't really trim it as much as she ate it. I looked up whether or not they were poisonous to dogs and according to the internet, rose of sharon is a recommended shrub/bush for homes with dogs because of their hardy nature. Layla proved us wrong. She can even take the hardy bushes down. And you can't be mad at her when she does it because she is so darn cute and looks at you with such sad eyes when you catch her. I will try and remember to post some pictures of our non bushes and trees. I wish I had before pictures. But, then again i didn't know I would need before pictures.
Today, I am thankful that rose of sharon is not poisonous to dogs. Otherwise, I just might be up with a sick dog all night
Today, I am thankful that rose of sharon is not poisonous to dogs. Otherwise, I just might be up with a sick dog all night
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Lame post
Having a newborn makes you pretty darn tired. It also makes you forget lots of things that previously seemed so easy to remember. But one thing that was accomplished today. Three loads of laundry(thanks Nana for doing load #3) and we found a babysitter for the little peanut. Oh yeah, I got a haircut too. I was long overdue.
I would love to write more but my eyes are playing tricks on me and as I type this the screen looks blurry and I can't make much sense of what I am writing. Maybe I should try posting in the morning from now on.
I am thankful for a nice comfy bed.
I would love to write more but my eyes are playing tricks on me and as I type this the screen looks blurry and I can't make much sense of what I am writing. Maybe I should try posting in the morning from now on.
I am thankful for a nice comfy bed.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I am bound to be sick soon
The weather here in upstate NY can never decide what it wants to do. Seriously! I love fall. It is my favorite season. That is the reason I got married in the fall. My one complaint, one day it is freezing cold, like winter jacket cold, and then two days later, you could go out with a short sleeve shirt and be more than comfortable. That is a recipe for being S-I-C-K. I don't know about you but when the weather constantly goes up and down, I usually get some sort of sickness. And the fact that I have a newborn here and I am not getting my usual amount of sleep, I just have a feeling that I am bound to come down with something. But in the meantime, I am going to soak up every last minute or moment(at least the next four days) of the beautiful weather. Izzy and I will be going for lots of walks to get some fresh air before the snow hits the ground. And hopefully I won't be sick!
I am thankful for the weather being gorgeous enough for Izzy to be able to go outside without worry of getting sick.
I am thankful for the weather being gorgeous enough for Izzy to be able to go outside without worry of getting sick.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Get out and vote
I am so happy that we get to elect a new president tomorrow. Not only because we need a change but I will just be so happy to not have to watch all those election ads. I can understand people wanting to say what they believe in and what they are going to do for us but when they get to the point that they are putting down their running mate, it becomes too much. Why can't you people just talk about yourself? Why must you talk about what your opponent is not going to do? I don't know why it bothers me so much, but it does. So I must say I am really looking forward to tomorrow, a new president and an end to all those commercials.
Don't forget to vote! I just hope America gets it right and elects a leader that knows what they are doing.
I am thankful for the fact that we have the right to vote in this country.
Don't forget to vote! I just hope America gets it right and elects a leader that knows what they are doing.
I am thankful for the fact that we have the right to vote in this country.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Missed the first day...oooppps
OK...so I missed the first day of NaBloPoMo. Sorry! I had all good intentions of posting yesterday, in fact I had intentions on posting all last week but time got away from me. Enough excuses already.
October was a whirlwind month. After being put on bedrest, we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Isabella may have come a couple weeks early, but we couldn't be luckier. She is a great baby and I absolutely love spending everyday with her. The thought of going back to work makes me quite sad. I am soaking up every moment I can now.
I am hoping that with being home and having a new baby, I will discover some things about myself that I may have not known. I already have discovered that I have more patience than before. I also can tell that I am even more relaxed than I was previously. I guess Izzy has a way of calming me.
So raise your glasses and toast with me...here is to hoping that I can meet some new people through blogging and discover some new things about life, myself, and others.
I am thankful for Izzy! Without her, I would not be a mother today and I absolutely love being one.
October was a whirlwind month. After being put on bedrest, we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Isabella may have come a couple weeks early, but we couldn't be luckier. She is a great baby and I absolutely love spending everyday with her. The thought of going back to work makes me quite sad. I am soaking up every moment I can now.
I am hoping that with being home and having a new baby, I will discover some things about myself that I may have not known. I already have discovered that I have more patience than before. I also can tell that I am even more relaxed than I was previously. I guess Izzy has a way of calming me.
So raise your glasses and toast with me...here is to hoping that I can meet some new people through blogging and discover some new things about life, myself, and others.
I am thankful for Izzy! Without her, I would not be a mother today and I absolutely love being one.
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