Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Snow, snow, snow

OK people. I realize that it is snowing. Very lightly snowing. Maybe you haven't ventured outside your home in the past, oh let's say three months. But driving 10 mph is not going to make you any new friends. The last time it took me 45 minutes to get home from work, was like, oh that's right, never. And to the a$$ driving the big SUV...just because you have 4 wheel drive doesn't mean you can cut in and out of traffic making everyone around you panic and start driving like bigger idiots than they already are.

Keep me in your prayers tonight and tomorrow morning that we will be blessed with a snow day. I need it after my day and work and especially after my drive home.

And on another note...I have added some updated pictures of the little girl who is not so little anymore.

And then again, maybe not. I guess I will have to do it later since blogger is not likingme and my pics right now.

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