Matt has had a cold all week and has been snoring loud enough that I am surprised the neighbors haven't called. Even after being kicked out of bed and sent to the guest room, he still woke me up. He so nicely passed the cold on to me and Isabella. So when he is not snoring, I can hear Izzy through the monitor breathing heavily and coughing. Poor baby! It is not very easy to sleep when your little four month old can't breathe too well. And in between the heavy breathing over the monitor and the snoring from the hubby, I have a dog that must be chasing something in her dreams because she is making noises while she sleeps too. So when the whole house is asleep making their own noises, what do you do ?? The only thing left to do...make a pot of coffee and watch re-runs of 90210. Man, I used to love that show! I know you all did too. So tell me, who was your favorite character??

when i was in middle school and high school i shared a room with my younger brother.
he snored.
i would sneak over to his side of the room and plug his nose... he'd make these horrible choking noises... i'd make horrible laughing noises... and then he'd stop snoring.
i'm not sure that will work for a cold though. :)
I find wacking your partner over the head while they're snoring helps. LOLOL
I total relate, Meg! :)
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