Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Take that Santa!!

I'm in love with my new toy from Addie(the neighbor's dog). Mommy and Daddy bought me some lame toys that I don't really care too much about. I can't wait for spring time when I can play outdoors with Addie.

Thanks for reading...Woof! Layla

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

Before I go and make dinner for the 'rents I wanted to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas. It has been a very interesting and busy past three days. Why you may ask...("Why Megan?") well I will tell you. Matt and I got a new little puppy. Yipee! She is the cutest little puppy. I found her online and told Matt about her. He responded with the typical, yeah, yeah, fine we will go check her out. So Saturday we went to the Animal Services League and Matt fell in love instantly. So Sunday they came out for a home visit and dropped her off. It is so much fun having her around. Of course there is a lot of work too, but she is sooooo worth it. I will try to attach some pictures of her later.

Have a great day and make sure not to eat too many cut out cookies.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Snow day!!!

Yeah...thank you snow gods for snowing enough to let me have a snow day. I really needed the time to get some Christmas shopping done. Score! I was able to get a majority of it done. And to boot I shortened four of the new blinds we bought over the past week, tutored Andrew, visited new neighbors, and shoveled the driveway...TWICE!! Woo hoo. Go me. I am exhausted now and wan to go to bed but considering it is only 7pm, I think I should wait a coupe hours or I will be a bear for the kiddies tomorrow.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Wanna help?! Look at this

The holidays is always a time for giving. If you are looking for a way to give here are some suggestions...

1. Buy a holiday turkey for a family in Baton Rouge (home to thousands of Hurricane Katrina evacuees) for $25 at brfoodbank.org.

2. Offer snow-shoveling services to an elderly neighbor. Excellent exercise, and there may be cocoa in it for you.

3. Support the troops with warm socks, deodorant, Cheez-Its: Find their wish lists at anysoldier.com.

4. Donate new blankets to kids in homeless shelters at projectnightnight.org.

5. Buy funky gifts at thrift shops that give back, such as Out of the Closet; sales help support the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. For locations, see outofthecloset.org.

6. Before you shop online, go to goodshop.com. Then buy from participating retailers and the site donates a portion of your purchase to the charity of your choice.

7. Give manicures at a local nursing home.

8. Spend an hour or two a week helping an immigrant learn English (check out literacyvolunteers.org).

9. Help protect half an acre of rain forest in South and Central America with a $25 donation at rainforestalliance.org.

10. Donate old cell phones to victims of domestic violence for emergencies (go to ncadv.org and click “donate”).

11. Vaccinate 50 people around the world against deadly diseases such as meningitis, measles or polio with a $50 donation at doctorswithoutborders.org.

12. Provide a month of care for a woman or child rescued from sexual slavery for just $30 at sharedhope.org.

13. Get friends involved. To find group volunteer projects, go to thevolunteerfamily.com.

14. Clean out your closet! Then donate old glasses (neweyesfortheneedy.org), shoes (shareyoursoles.org) and even wedding gowns (makingmemories.org).

15. Go to glamour.com/woty to get inspired by our 2007 Women of the Year winners and to support their charities.

16. Find projects that help people in your very own zip code at dosomething.org.

17.Make a $10 donation to freethechildren.org and a special matching-funds program will turn it into $100 worth of medical supplies for kids around the world.

18. Mentor an at-risk teen online at icouldbe.org.

19. Volunteer—inside or out—at a national park (nps.gov).

20. Play the Mozart concerto you’ve (almost) mastered for seniors. For local programs, see volunteermatch.org.

21. Help an aspiring student pay for college at scholarshipamerica.org.

22. Send a DVD or video game to hospital-bound kids via childsplaycharity.org.

23. Staying home for the holidays? Donate frequent-flier miles to injured soldiers’ families at heromiles.org.

24. Tutor a future J.K. Rowling at 826national.org.

25. Look at your medical history, then donate to a cause that could help your loved ones, be it the American Heart Association (americanheart.org), Susan G. Komen for the Cure (komen.org) or another charity.

26. Loan money to a budding entrepreneur in the developing world at kiva.org.

27. Train your pooch to be a therapy dog for nursing homes and hospitals at tdi-dog.org.

28. Sell gifts you don’t need through eBay’s Giving Works program (givingworks.ebay.com), which earmarks a percentage of sales for the charities of your choice.

29. Give to donorschoose.org; a small donation can help create cozy reading nooks for underfunded classrooms.

30. Upgrade your laptop; worldcomputerexchange.org will send your old one to a child in one of 61 countries.

31. Give blood (to find out where, go to givelife.org). What better reason to stop and lie down for 10 minutes?

Bracing for the Big One

Well...it has been a busy two weeks. We have been packing, moving, and unpacking. We are slowly settling in and realizing the advantages and disadvantages of being a home owner. A quick stop at Home Depot turns into a three hundred+ dollar adventure and that is just window coverings. We also realized that with an family room and living room to furnish that the house echoes a bit because we don't have enough furniture. But it is quite awesome being a home owner.

Which brings me too, the major snowstorm that we are supposed to get today through tonight. Since we do own a home now, we have a driveway. And when you own a driveway that means you have to shovel it so you can get your car out. So with 12-20 inches of snow expected, you can guess that we will be doing a ton of shoveling. I guess it is better than just sitting around though.

I am still working on remembering to post a couple times of week. So bear with me folks.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

My First Post!

I know so many people that have their own blogging spot, so I decided to join the blogging nation. I figured that there are so many new things going on in my life, why not. What is going on, you may ask? Well, let me tell you...

1- Just married(8 days ago, at posting time)
2- Closing on the house we bought together tomorrow
3- Selling the condo I have been living in for over nine years the following week(kind of going through withdraw) Lots of memories have been here so I am a little sad about it.

I am still getting used to this posting thing, so I am sure that my first couple may not be terrific or give you anyone a complete picture of what I/we are really like but I will try.

So listen up people...let me know what you all like to post about.