Sunday, March 29, 2009


So I was supposed to keep this thing updated a little more regularly, since I told people I would. I guess I assumed that more people would be reading it. Maybe they are and I just don't know about it. I feel like I need to make a commitment to update a couple times a week, just like I was supposed to make a commitment to monitor my blood pressure since Izzy was born. Yikes! That hasn't gone as planned. Lets just hope the doc is OK with that.

We went to the home show yesterday. It stunk! For the amount of money you had to pay to get in, we certainly did not get enough ideas or see enough companies that we would have liked to talk to. Since we are doing some major updates to the house we thought we would get some really good ideas out of going there. We also thought we would find some more companies that could give us some quotes on work we need done that we really can't do ourselves. Well...NEGATIVE. There were a ton of window, landscaping, and hot tub places. In fact there was a hot tub so big I am not sure that it could fit on our deck. Not to mention the fact that it must have been six foot deep. I was very disappointed. But on the plus side, we went to the Dinosaur BBQ afterwards and that was just fabulous.

We did recently get a quote on having the bathtub refinished. I feel as though the price is negotiable, Matt does not. How do you suggest going about convincing your loved one that it doesn't hurt to ask if they are willing to negotiate a deal? And how would you negotiate once you sit down and talk to the people wanting to do the work?


ryan said...

i'm reading. i think it's interesting to hear your perspective on life even in the little details because you're in a place i haven't been to yet. married. child. so many different challenges.

my mom told me she went and checked out one of those shows... to see if it would be worth it to put up a booth to advertise her wedding photography. she also came away disappointed.

and as they say, "keep on truckin' or typin'."

Megan said...

I'm glad that you enjoying reading and hearing a new perspective. I enjoy reading blogs, like yours, that have a different perspective too. I always wonder where my life would be if I had made different decisions at certain points. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm.