Sunday, January 20, 2008

Finally time for an update

I used to get disappointed when I would visit some other bloggers sites only to find out that they haven't updates their site in a couple days. I was like "come on people, how hard can it be to write a little entertaining entry to update the rest of us on what is going on" Well now I know. It is very hard to find the time and to figure out what to write. So I apologize for all the things I may have said under my breath to the people who's blogs I regularly read.

Matt and I decided on Friday night that we would try and get some stuff done around the house this weekend and that we wouldn't leave the house, except for my dress fitting for a wedding I am in in June and to run to the store to get some food for our lockdown. didn't go to well. Sometimes when you have the mindset of not being able to do something, you try your hardest to find a way to do it. So, Matt and I made and excuse to go to Target and Home Depot even though we were supposed to be on "lockdown." And we didn't even get done what we were supposed to. I am hoping that I can be more successful tomorrow with Matt at work and me with the day off. I'll let you know how that goes later.

BTW- for all you non-upstate New Yorkers that are reading. It is freezing out. I know it may not be as cold as it is in Green Bay for the playoff games but it is cold. Even the dog knows that there is no time for play outside. It is all business once that door opens.

Time to go...the Amazing race finale is on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Meg, You've inspired me to get up off my arse and write something on my blog... but WHAT should I write? Ah jeez... :) hee hee.