Friday, January 4, 2008

Way to go Layla!

So, today was my day to come home at lunch and let the little girl out. I was nervous the whole ride home. I was super nervous opening the door. Matt and I's new ritual upon entering the house is to smell the air. We continue to stick our sniffers in the air all the way to the crate. So with my big honker in the air, sniffing my way to the crate, I was surprised to find that...(is the suspense killing you yet) NO ACCIDENTS!!! Awesome! We went outside and took care of business. Layla would have loved to play with her mommy but unfortunately, mommy had to go back to work. So it was back in the crate she went. I was telling myself the whole way back to work that she was going to have a big mess when I came home because I didn't play with her. So home I come after work and put my sniffer to the air, but once again NO ACCIDENTS!! I am so proud of her. Call me crazy. But she crossed over a big obstacle today. This was the first time our little puppy made it more than three hours without having an accident. She has made it overnights every night, but for some reason when we both leave the house she just can't make it. So everyone raise your glass and toast Layla.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good girl, Layla!!