Thursday, January 3, 2008

Things that make you go hmmmmmm

What does it mean when you come back to work and in your mailbox you have a half used bottle of hand sanitizer? someone trying to tell me I have dirty hands? Does the fact that it is lemon-lime scented have any significance?

Today is the big test! Will the little girl make it to lunchtime with no accidents in her crate???? Hmmmmmm...I hope so. All you blog readers keep your fingers crossed. We played for an hour this morning and then went for a walk so I hope she is tuckered out and does nothing but sleeps. I'll let you know the verdict when I get home.

Oh yeah another hmmmmmmm moment. At our school on Tuesdays and Thursdays we have something called extended day. The students stay for an extra hour and a half to get extra help with reading, writing, and math skills. I am not sure if it is as beneficial as it sounds considering a lot of the times, the kids that need it most get sent home on the regular bus because they couldn't behave during the regular school day. So why in the world would you make kids(and teachers) who have been on vacation for almost two weeks now, stay an extra hour and a half on their first day back? Hmmmmmmm. I need to retire!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You can do it Layla! No pee pee mistakes!!