I really do not like people who feel as though they can boss you around just because you are some young school teacher.
Today we had our big school wide meeting. I must say it is a pretty awesome thing our school does once a week. It is something I wish I could invite everyone to see. It is too hard to explain and if you experienced it, I am sure you would be amazed. Well anyways...you may have read in my last post that we have people from all over the US visiting our school this week. Our school wide meetings are Wednesday so of course the visitors got to experience the awesomeness that it is. We even had TV cameras there. I am sure this was due to the fact that we had the visitors in, because normally they are not there. Back to my point...I, along with another teacher, was given the task of setting up the library for some "debrief" sessions we would be having after school. So as we are going about our business a woman asked us, well more told us, that she would be having a meeting in the library. We explained that that would be fine but we were supposed to have a meeting with about 40 people in the room in about 20 minutes. She said that she just had to have this room and that we would need to wait for her. We asked if we could set up around her and she said that she was using the room and we would need to set up later. Come to think of it, she never told us who she was(we did figure it out shortly thereafter). So, as a host school, I did not want to piss off any visitors, so we obliged. Of course we reminded her that we would need the room for a meeting and she just snubbed us. So she set herself up and then had the camera man and audio man came in. When the woman(someone who works at my school) who was being interviewed reminded her about the room being needed she said yeah, yeah. And then went about her business. When my principal came in, she snubbed her, saying she just needed a couple minutes. I couldn't believe it. I guess that since we are not in the TV business we don't count and since she had a story or whatever to do that she could care less about what we had to do. God, I hate it when people feel as though they are owed something because of their job or position.
BTW...the meeting went fine and, at least, the people in my debrief session were totally cool with things running late.
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