Friday, November 21, 2008
69 Hot Pink Holes
1- Go to your TV
2- Turn it on
3- If you have a guide channel, stroll through
4- When you get to the movie section, you might just see what I am talking about
When deciding what to do tonight, Matt and I though that maybe we would rent a movie. Oh yeah, this was one of the choices. So was Hot Asian MILFs. Needless to say, we ended up watching Supernanny.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Gosh darn it...I just realized I missed yesterday
I was much more productive today than I have been the past couple days. Man I feel good when I get something done. Now, I just have to finish the couple things that I started and I will feel so much better. I will be able to go to my parents for Thanksgiving feeling that the house is clean and organized enough that I could have guests over. But I have been having guests over since it became disorganized so I must not feel too bad about the state that the house is in.
Can I just say that I can't believe how many things I can do with a baby in tow. I have become very good at typing with a baby laying on my shoulder. In fact right now, Izzy is laying on my chest sleeping as I type this blog. Often I have to type one handed and I am becoming faster and faster at that each time that I do it. I can fold laundry while holding the baby too. The clothes don't look as nice and I end up refolding them later. Of course making a bottle one handed is an absolute necessity. Can I just say, I love being a mom!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Yes...I will be one of those parents

I can now hold my own bottle

I can hold my head up. My daddy looks a little worried, but I know what I am doing.

My furry sister loves me A LOT. She always makes sure that I am doing well. I can't wait to pull her ears when I grow up.

This is my new snow suit. It is WAY too big for me now but my mommy couldn't resist but put me in it for a photo opt. Remind me to have her burn this picture when I am a teenager.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Let sleeping dogs lie...
Who can resist such a cute sleeping dog? Not me!
Edit: this may possibly be the last video I post since I have been waiting over 30 minutes for it to finish loading(and it is only a thirty second clip)...hope I don't miss my post today for NaBloPoMo
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Would you believe this?
Friday, November 14, 2008
Out of sorts
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
6 pounds 13 ounces, 20 1/2 inches
Monday, November 10, 2008
Damn mommy brain
I am thankful for ... wait what was that I was thinking I was thankful for... I forget
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Oh man...I missed a day
Today, I am thankful that rose of sharon is not poisonous to dogs. Otherwise, I just might be up with a sick dog all night
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Lame post
I would love to write more but my eyes are playing tricks on me and as I type this the screen looks blurry and I can't make much sense of what I am writing. Maybe I should try posting in the morning from now on.
I am thankful for a nice comfy bed.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I am bound to be sick soon
I am thankful for the weather being gorgeous enough for Izzy to be able to go outside without worry of getting sick.
Monday, November 3, 2008
Get out and vote
Don't forget to vote! I just hope America gets it right and elects a leader that knows what they are doing.
I am thankful for the fact that we have the right to vote in this country.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Missed the first day...oooppps
October was a whirlwind month. After being put on bedrest, we were blessed with a beautiful baby girl. Isabella may have come a couple weeks early, but we couldn't be luckier. She is a great baby and I absolutely love spending everyday with her. The thought of going back to work makes me quite sad. I am soaking up every moment I can now.
I am hoping that with being home and having a new baby, I will discover some things about myself that I may have not known. I already have discovered that I have more patience than before. I also can tell that I am even more relaxed than I was previously. I guess Izzy has a way of calming me.
So raise your glasses and toast with is to hoping that I can meet some new people through blogging and discover some new things about life, myself, and others.
I am thankful for Izzy! Without her, I would not be a mother today and I absolutely love being one.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
I'm a slacker...I know
1- The house is coming along very nicely. We now have a backyard, complete with a deck. We also painted. I must say I think it looks very nice. As for the older woman we bought the house from, she is not as happy as we are with the changes. I can't blame her considering she is the original owner and lived here for 42 years. What do you think?

Backyard before
Backyard after(it is actually fuller and greener but apparently I don't have a more recent pic)

Layla is getting much bigger and wilder

I guess the baby likes to do flips!
I can't really say anything else exciting is going on. I have one more week off before I have to go back into school. We have one week to get everything ready for the kiddos to come. I am hoping this is a much better school year than last. And then come late October sometime, baby C should make their arrival.
I am really going to try and be better about updating this blog. I have even gone so far as to publish the address on facebook and myspace to kind of force myself into it. I figure there may be people that will check out the site and if I keep it more current, well it would be better. So for now...let the sun shine down and don't let your dog eat your shoes
Sunday, April 20, 2008
No...I did not fall of the face of the earth
So there is a lot to update and as soon as I can I will be posting pictures to match. Where do I start. Here is a brief list of what has been going on in the Carlett household.
1- Layla got invisible fence. She hates it! We are supposed to go through these training sessions three to four times a day. She is also supposed to get one "correction" a day too so she learns what and how the fence works. We have tried everything, all the tricks they have said to use and she won't go near the flags. You would think this is a good thing. But now she mops around the yard like a prisoner. I am sure she will lighten up but it is a little depressing.
2- The yard is coming along slowly but surely. When we bough this house last October it had no and I mean no grass in the backyard. There were huge pine trees and bushes and the rest of the ground was covered in pachysandra(sp?) The trees were cut down in January. And we have spent the last three weeks ripping up the pachysandra. So now we have a huge backyard that is nothing but dirt. Not the best for a house with a curious puppy. So our house is covered in dirt also. And by the way do you know how long it takes for grass to grow in. A very long time! For most people doing patchwork it wouldn't be that bad but we have an entire backyard to do. Ahhhh, the joys of home ownership.
3- On a brighter note, a much brighter note. Matt and I are expecting a little Carlett in late October. We are super excited. We did not expect it to come this quickly, considering we were just married in November. We decided to stop preventing and not too long after...I will let you figure out the rest . And we will not be finding out if it is a boy or girl. We want a surprise, you know the old fashioned way.
We are on our way to the dog park now to let Layla have some fun before she is made a prisoner in her own house/yard. I will try to post some pictures later, of the yard and of Layla and maybe if you are lucky I can show some pictures of the wee little one floating around inside me belly.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Back to Work...yuck!!!!
We have a puppy that has turned into a terror. She gets into anything and everything. You can't leave her alone for two seconds. She can be such a pain in the a$$, a cute one at that.
I am at a total lose for words right now. I think my mind is dreading the fact that kids will be walking into school in about fifteen minutes and I have to teach the little boogers. I just want to be home and in bed. Maybe I will get some inspiration during the day and write another post tonight.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
It's finally vacation time
On another note, Layla is doing so well. We enjoyed a wonderful morning stroll, even if it was a little cold outside. She is just so gosh darn cute. I want to share the lovely face we get to see each day with everyone. Hopefully blogger will let me attach them today.

We hope everyone has a nice day, wherever you may be.
Hugs and Kisses- Layla and Megan
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Snow, snow, snow
Keep me in your prayers tonight and tomorrow morning that we will be blessed with a snow day. I need it after my day and work and especially after my drive home.
And on another note...I have added some updated pictures of the little girl who is not so little anymore.
And then again, maybe not. I guess I will have to do it later since blogger is not likingme and my pics right now.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Layla's playgroup
I am very excited for the upcoming February break. I need a break from the students this year. This class above probably any other class has been very challenging. And I ahve had them for two years. And to top off the madness we are supposed to get a new student tomorrow that left his old school for "emotional reasons." Can't I catch a break? Four months to go! Yipee!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
People of power
Today we had our big school wide meeting. I must say it is a pretty awesome thing our school does once a week. It is something I wish I could invite everyone to see. It is too hard to explain and if you experienced it, I am sure you would be amazed. Well may have read in my last post that we have people from all over the US visiting our school this week. Our school wide meetings are Wednesday so of course the visitors got to experience the awesomeness that it is. We even had TV cameras there. I am sure this was due to the fact that we had the visitors in, because normally they are not there. Back to my point...I, along with another teacher, was given the task of setting up the library for some "debrief" sessions we would be having after school. So as we are going about our business a woman asked us, well more told us, that she would be having a meeting in the library. We explained that that would be fine but we were supposed to have a meeting with about 40 people in the room in about 20 minutes. She said that she just had to have this room and that we would need to wait for her. We asked if we could set up around her and she said that she was using the room and we would need to set up later. Come to think of it, she never told us who she was(we did figure it out shortly thereafter). So, as a host school, I did not want to piss off any visitors, so we obliged. Of course we reminded her that we would need the room for a meeting and she just snubbed us. So she set herself up and then had the camera man and audio man came in. When the woman(someone who works at my school) who was being interviewed reminded her about the room being needed she said yeah, yeah. And then went about her business. When my principal came in, she snubbed her, saying she just needed a couple minutes. I couldn't believe it. I guess that since we are not in the TV business we don't count and since she had a story or whatever to do that she could care less about what we had to do. God, I hate it when people feel as though they are owed something because of their job or position.
BTW...the meeting went fine and, at least, the people in my debrief session were totally cool with things running late.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Blog 365...
This week, we have people from all over the country coming to visit our school. I am excited and nervous. We have been busting our butts to get the school clean and ready to have a major influx of people in it. And of course prepping the kids for people that will be wandering in and out of the rooms. Some of the students especially need lots of prep because any little disruption to the schedule throws them into a tizzy. On that note, I can't wait for Friday to come so the kids and the rest of the staff can just chill. Everyone is on pins and needles. It is not much fun with everyone on edge around here.
And as much as I would love to discuss more, I really have to get back to some work so that I can be ready for the students who will be here in about 30 minutes.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Finally time for an update
Matt and I decided on Friday night that we would try and get some stuff done around the house this weekend and that we wouldn't leave the house, except for my dress fitting for a wedding I am in in June and to run to the store to get some food for our lockdown. didn't go to well. Sometimes when you have the mindset of not being able to do something, you try your hardest to find a way to do it. So, Matt and I made and excuse to go to Target and Home Depot even though we were supposed to be on "lockdown." And we didn't even get done what we were supposed to. I am hoping that I can be more successful tomorrow with Matt at work and me with the day off. I'll let you know how that goes later.
BTW- for all you non-upstate New Yorkers that are reading. It is freezing out. I know it may not be as cold as it is in Green Bay for the playoff games but it is cold. Even the dog knows that there is no time for play outside. It is all business once that door opens.
Time to go...the Amazing race finale is on.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
To the people of *fill-in-the-blank with your own town* post office:
1) Middle-Aged Clueless Woman of Japanese Descent: OK, the USPS website said you could ship that package to Kyushu for $6.75 and come to find out, from two clerks at the counter, that it actually costs $37. Do you really think that 10 pounds of anything will ship Priority across an ocean for $6.75? Do you?? How about this. . .use some common sense, step up and realize you read the information on the website incorrectly and trust the clerks that do this for a living. I say this with a smirk, but they are EXPERTS and I KNOW they were actually right this time! Dumb. Ass. Casting a request-for-sympathy-gaze to the rest of us in line got you nothing. In fact, I think I witnessed an 80-year-old woman mouth the words, ‘Eat Shit’. I saw you again just the other day on Capitol by the Thai restaurant. Sweet Jesus, woman, you live around here??
2) Trailer-Trash Wannabe eBay Businesswoman: Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s clear you got some postal game. I mean, you had at least 10 packages prepaid, all ready to go and have obviously mastered Click-N-Ship. Your shit is tight. But ya gotta stick with what ya know, and assisting the clerks in dealing with Middle-Aged Clueless Woman of Japanese Descent is obviously NOT what you know. In fact, that effort was downright futile. You should have known this. After all, you’re here every day with your Goodwill-fodder turned eBay treasure. (although I will give you props for being certified WT and under 200 lbs). Anyway, you were really annoying in saying repeatedly, the same fucking shit the clerks were saying, but with an Estacadian’s command of the English language. C’mon! Middle-Aged Clueless Woman of Japanese Descent was getting uber-agitated and the longer she was agitated, clearly, the longer she was going to camp at the counter until attaining some degree ‘respect’ or validation. Did I mention that while you were ‘helping’ the hapless clerks, you were yourself at the counter being assisted by the ONLY other clerk not involved in the fray? Oblivious psycho. You sort of recognized me during your righteous attempt at ‘helping’, and you cast yet another request-for-sympathy-gaze. You were not indulged. I maintained the eat-shit expression recently conveyed by the wise and elderly madam behind me. You know, you were nice to me one time when you held that door open, otherwise you would have been at the top of this list.
3) The Yeller: Now I haven’t seen you before, but you were on a freakin’ MISSION. I could tell you were a jacked-up Type A in about. . .a second. It’s a good thing you weren’t here Friday, dog. I mean, some shit went down with this crazy lady that. . . Anyway, things were moving pretty good, but obviously too slowly for you. Think, man. . .if you commit to a line that has 12 people in it and two clerks at the counter, what do you expect? Obviously you expect either personal service or a hand job because waiting 5 minutes ANYWHERE is not your strong suit. I was down with the people in the line that day dog, I mean, there was some respectful and sweet old people, a smiling soccer mom and even a non-screaming kid that was actually capable of independent play. There was a 1 for 2 clerk situation (one good one) and overall things were looking pretty good. Until of course you mouthed off, “Can you guys get some help out here? Fuckin’ A!” I’m all for more counter help. In fact, I might even send a letter to management to report how painful this station is, but saying what you said and then doing all your posturing, sighing and slamming your flat-rates on the counter just wasn’t cool. The FuckinA was especially uncalled for, and frankly, it really wasn’t on par with your $75 Magnum Opus haircut and designer clothes you were sporting. I firmly believe that a simple, “Jesus!”, with an emphasis on the ‘Gee’, befits a man of your caliber. Seriously, your reckless tirade left one clerk speechless for a least five minutes and should have resulted in the postmaster booting your ass out the door. I was embarrassed because we share the same generation. Here’s a recommendation: your time is far too precious to expend at the post office, please send your trophy wife in – me and a couple other regulars wouldn’t mind checking out some fakies once in a while. And dude, what the fuck are you doing out of Lake Oswego anyway?
4) Forty-Five-Year-Old Cell Phone Tard: I’m not spending a lot of time on you. Others have. Your ilk is well-known and well-hated, like on that trip to Salzberg during the fortress tour where you talked over the guide on your cell phone about some fucking t-ball game your brat played in, or at the Beaverton Nissan dealership when you were buying the convertible Z (gag), or even in the milf-infested Pearl District Starbuck’s. So you think you have a really cool job? Well let me tell you. . .people could give a shit when they’re well into their 20th minute standing at the Multnomah Post Office! We really aren’t impressed that you’re part of the ‘CG effort’ for the next Dreamworks production. I mean, YOU SELL COMPUTER PARTS ferchrissakes (memory modules I think?) to the Techs that run the computers that support the Creatives that bust their ass in a very non-glamorous sweat shop hell of a job. Come to think of it, you’re NOT really part of the ‘CG effort’ at all. You’re just some nominally-educated, self-employed consultant dickhead that believes he’s getting his 15 minutes of fame by name-dropping ‘Dreamworks’ fifty times to some pissed off people in a line at the post office. I guess I did spend a lot of time on you. And that’s because I hate you.
5) Sighing Milf: I don’t have a clear picture of you, because you come in droves. You are all shapes, sizes and flavors. 20’s, 30’s, 40’s, blonde, brunette or redhead, you have truly perfected the art of The Sigh. I’ve come to appreciate and respect you, for when I hear your call, I’m about to have a great moment. Now, The Sigh indicates that I’m moving a lot of merchandise and I’ve got a formidable stack of packages with me. Capitalism at work. Money in my wallet. I’m already having a good day. I want to let YOU in on a little secret Sighing Milf. . .your sweet sigh will almost always preclude one or all of the following: a slower than normal process of placing the packages on the counter, my apparent confusion with a receipt or customs form, or, if I’m feeling especially wicked, entry into a light-hearted and prolonged banter with Pete the clerk. You may not be subjected to these atrocities though if Sweet Old Lady or Smiling Soccer Mom are in front of you. But, mind you, I’m here almost every day and you’ll be back too because I’ve seen your road-weapon Navigator with the lame stick-family sticker in the parking lot before. It’s a slippery slope, The Sigh, and it may eventually elevate you to Cold-Hearted Bitch someday. Just sayin’.
Monday, January 14, 2008
I was the one!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I love being a homeowner!!!
I might have put the puppy into a very long sleep coma too. She was WILD this morning. The way she was running around the kitchen and family room doing laps, well let's just say I thought someone had slipped something in her food. So I took her for a 1 1/2 mile walk and then she spent about two and a half hours outside with us while we did yard work. She was given a nice warm bath afterwards because like little kids, little puppies are very curious and do not care when you say no to them. She was a very dirty, but still very cute puppy. If you need someone, or something, to dig a nice hole in some dirt for you, I have just the person(or puppy). And, by the way, she can dig pretty fast!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
What should I do?
Interesting story...this week was the State ELA(English Language Arts) exam. There is three parts. Since many of my children have test mods, I often have to test them alone and at a different time than the rest of the students. So one of my students is a poor reader, to say the least. The first day of the test is 28 multiple choice questions. The most she has gotten right in practice test, 7(yes, seven). So since I can't read a word to her, she was really struggling with reading the stories. She took so long on the first story that I told her she didn't have time to read the remaining stories. She would have to read the questions as best as she could and try to find the answer or guess. She decided that for the ones that she was really struggling with she would do eenie, meanie, minie, moe. Wouldn't you figure that she got 17(that is seventeen) correct. Can you believe the luck?
Well I am off to do some laundry since the little girls is sleeping. I don't dare to try and go outside. Not until Matt gets home, at least.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Awwwww crap!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Give me a black and white stripped shirt and call me a referee
Monday, January 7, 2008
I almost slipped
The trees are gone. We have a whole new backyard. It looks huge. I met the kids next door today. They are so nice. They were in shock that we took down all the trees. Then they asked me if I would get a job at the school behind us so I could be their teacher next year. I chuckled under my breath.
I will post some pictures later in the week of the before and after of our backyard.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Hip Hip Hooray
While shopping for furniture, the tree guy called and said they would start work tomorrow. Yipee! I can't wait for that. It will be so nice to be able to do our own thing in the backyard. We have five trees and three bushes coming out. We are also having the maple tree pruned.
And to round out the house stuff, we are having our chimney cleaned tomorrow. It will be so much fun to be able to use the fireplace.
Man...being a homeowner is fun and very expensive!
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Answer Sandwich party

and a piece of the answer sandwich cake

Friday, January 4, 2008
Way to go Layla!
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Things that make you go hmmmmmm
Today is the big test! Will the little girl make it to lunchtime with no accidents in her crate???? Hmmmmmm...I hope so. All you blog readers keep your fingers crossed. We played for an hour this morning and then went for a walk so I hope she is tuckered out and does nothing but sleeps. I'll let you know the verdict when I get home.
Oh yeah another hmmmmmmm moment. At our school on Tuesdays and Thursdays we have something called extended day. The students stay for an extra hour and a half to get extra help with reading, writing, and math skills. I am not sure if it is as beneficial as it sounds considering a lot of the times, the kids that need it most get sent home on the regular bus because they couldn't behave during the regular school day. So why in the world would you make kids(and teachers) who have been on vacation for almost two weeks now, stay an extra hour and a half on their first day back? Hmmmmmmm. I need to retire!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
First playdate
On another note, we had lots of quotes on some tree work and have decided to take out all the trees in the backyard. We want a fresh start for spring to make the yard our own. The spruce trees that are there now, along with some bushes have taken over and grass does not even grow. I'll attach some pictures later on so that you can get a better picture of the monstrosities(did I spell that right?) the trees are. The tree guy said he will probably be over next week. Man, I am excited.
What I am not excited about is school starting back up tomorrow. I was not blessed with a wonderful class. I think my teaching partner and I were given a class to force us to up and move. They are crazy little boogers. Don't get me wrong they can say some pretty darn funny things, but they can also drive you to pull all your hair out. State tests start next week and that is not the most fun time in my life. Since I am the special ed teacher, I get to deliver(give) lots of test mods to students. That takes me out of the classroom for no less than two weeks. I feel horrible leaving my teaching partner alone to manage the class but you do what you have to to get these kids to do their best. Let's just hope they do. And since puppy training is still well underway I have to come home three days a week at lunch to let the little girl out, which means my partner in crime has to take the kids to and from lunch by herself. Don't get me wrong, she can handle it just fine, but sometimes it is nice when one delivers them to lunch and the other picks them up so that you get a small break from the whining, bickering, and tattling. God,I hope I was not a big tattler when I was their age.
So far 2008 has been great. I can't wait to see what else it brings.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
And the new year has begun...oh yeah!
I joined the Blog365 group. I am not quite sure what I have gotten myself into. I am hoping to learn a lot about myself and also meet a lot of new blogging friends. I am sure that with being a teacher, having a new house, and a new puppy that there will be plenty to write about.
I have a feeling that 2008 is going to be just as exciting if not more exciting. I look forward to telling you all about the exciting adventures of house-training a puppy, remodeling a house, and teaching. So with that being sad, I am off to wake up my husband and make him take me to breakfast to celebrate the new year(and for the fact that I have been getting up at the crack of dawn to let Layla(puppy) out to do her business in the backyard and not in her crate).